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Catering nieuws (472)

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Naast deze nieuwe locatie, exploiteert Bos&Bos Catering nog meer locaties, zoals Paviljoen Sterrebos, het Groninger Museum, het Drents Museum, Het Groninger Forum, Groningen Airport Eelde en de TT-Hall in Assen. De partycatering tak verzorgt allerlei ...

Datum: | Bron: Misset Horeca

Bedrijfshulpverlening, klimaatbeheersing, veiligheid, catering en schoonmaak zijn onderwerpen die aan bod komen op de beurs. Maar ook vele tientallen andere thema's en sub-thema's passeren de revue: van archiefsystemen en badges tot bedrijfskleding ...

Datum: | Bron: Facto

Europese ministers krijgen tijdens de bijeenkomsten rondom het Nederlands voorzitterschap van de Europese Unie maaltijden van de Veghelse culinair dienstverlener Hutten. Het bedrijf won de openbare aanbesteding. Nederland is van 1 januari tot en met ...

Datum: | Bron: DuurzaamBedrijfsleven.nl

The country's percentage of people over the age of 65 is expected to double by 2025. PHOTO: AFP. By 2023, the average life expectancy in Pakistan is anticipated to rise from 66 to 72 years. In addition, the country's percentage of people over the age ...

Datum: | Bron: The Express Tribune

Cateringtrends: wat is er allemaal aan het veranderen op het vlak van catering? Goh, er zijn een aantal factoren natuurlijk die ervoor zorgen dat de trends vandaag zijn wat ze zijn. En ik denk dat dan vooral in eerste instantie aan de crisis die in ...

Datum: | Bron: Eventplanner

Mr Storey said that the business is projecting profits of €650,000 in 2016; almost twice the approximate €350,000 recorded in 2015. The firm has bounced back from losing its lucrative Croke Park catering contract in 2014. That loss contributed to the ...

Datum: | Bron: Irish Examiner

A file photo of a catering feast in a 5-star restaurant in Guangzhou, capital city of south China's Guangdong Province. [Photo: Xinhua]. The China Cuisine Association says in the first 9 months of last year, China's catering revenue grew nearly 12 ...

Datum: | Bron: CRIENGLISH.com

NEW DELHI: The famed culinary skills of Indian women will soon add to the taste of food served on the country's trains, as Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) is planning to tie up with a string of self-help groups (SHGs) for ...

Datum: | Bron: The New Indian Express

The Connecticut Restaurant Association made Stamford-based Marcia Selden Catering & Event Planning the first caterer inducted into its “Connecticut Hospitality Hall of Fame” — yes, there is one — in the same year it recognized the late Fred DeLuca ...

Datum: | Bron: The Advocate

An Air India plane was hit by a catering van today at the Newark international airport in the US after it landed from Mumbai. The incident happened when the catering van was being aligned with the plane, a Boeing 777, operating on Mumbai-Newark route ...

Datum: | Bron: Daily News & Analysis

A Chester catering company ended 2015 on a high note by scooping two major awards. C&C Catering Equipment Ltd was honoured at the Catering Insight Awards 2015 with the family owned company proudly coming away with an awards double.

Datum: | Bron: ChesterChronicle.co.uk

Bos&Bos Catering neemt Huis de Beurs, een van de bekendste cafés van de stad, over. Dit katern wordt mede mogelijk gemaakt door: Bij De Beurs werken twintig mensen. Zij komen in dienst van Bos & Bos. John en Renske Bos beheren al heel wat ...

Datum: | Bron: Groninger Internet Courant

A local Topeka bakery is making a format change, but people can still get their sweet treats through the business' catering service. The owners of Mad Eliza's Cakes & Confections, Mark and Peggy Murnahan, announced earlier this month they were closing ...

Datum: | Bron: Topeka Capital Journal

The funeral home will also offer catering packages in a move that is part of a national trend to offer “one-stop venues” for visitations. Jon Kolssak, owner of Kolssak Funeral Home, said he decided to seek a special use permit to serve liquor after ...

Datum: | Bron: Patch.com

BLADEL - Partycenter Chalet Fontaine en cateringbedrijf Maison Luuk nemen The Fax catering en Van Kempen Events in Bladel over. The Fax catering en Van Kempen Events verzorgen de catering van kleine en grote bedrijfs-evenementen, feesten, ...

Datum: | Bron: De Maasroute (persbericht) (Blog)

Hilltop Express in Hamilton is proud to offer authentic Greek and Canadian catering for all types of events. Whether you're hosting an intimate family gathering, office party or large function, Hilltop Express creates sumptuous, fresh, healthy options ...

Datum: | Bron: Hamilton Spectator

In the spring of 1882, French Baron Amadeus Marie Paul de Piellat led the first penitential pilgrimage to Jerusalem. It was called the Grand Caravan de Mille: the Pilgrimage of the Thousand. Anxious to atone for their sins, 1,000 rich, devout French ...

Datum: | Bron: The Times of Israel

Chester Zoo is one of the premier visitor attractions in the UK attracting c. 1.6 million visitors per year. The business has just opened an exciting new phase in its development called Islands - a 6 hectare addition to the zoo's attractions. This ...

Datum: | Bron: Attractions Management

„Deutschlandweit haben wir schon fast jeden Ort bespielt“, sagt Catering-Leiter Florian Hettler – sogar Rollfelder von Flughäfen. Düsseldorf mag Hettler wegen seiner modernen Locations im Medienhafen. In München dagegen gibt es ihm zufolge nur wenige ...

Datum: | Bron: FAZ - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

FACE it, pets and travel don't mix. The logistics of taking a pet on a trip can get very complex very quickly. First of all there are the legal complications. Earlier this year Johnny Depp was accused of smuggling his dogs past Australian quarantine ...

Datum: | Bron: The Economist (blog)

1. Infusions Catering Services is a boutique catering outfit committed to delivering fine foods and outstanding service. Whatever your event, and whatever the size of your guest list, we're dedicated to being as involved with every aspect as you would ...

Datum: | Bron: Bella Naija

... bij onderhandelingen tussen lidstaten onderling. In het kader van het voorzitterschap houden de Eerste en Tweede Kamer vier interparlementaire conferenties in de Ridderzaal in Den Haag, waarbij Hutten de catering en aankleding zal gaan verzorgen.

Datum: | Bron: Facility Management

Als horeca catering medewerkers ben je verantwoordelijk voor het adviseren en begeleiden van gasten, het ondersteunen van de keuken met het bereiden van diverse broodjes, snacks, dagverse soepen en salades. Daarbij bied je ook ondersteuning in de ...

Datum: | Bron: Breda nieuws

De sociale partners in de contractcatering: FNV Catering, CNV Vakmensen, De Unie en Veneca (Vereniging Nederlandse Cateringorganisaties) hadden afgesproken dat er 250 mensen de contractcateringbranche zouden instromen in de laatste cao-periode ...

Datum: | Bron: Out of Home Shops

De sociale partners in de contractcatering: FNV Catering, CNV Vakmensen, De Unie en Veneca (Vereniging Nederlandse Cateringorganisaties) hadden afgesproken dat er 250 mensen de contractcateringbranche zouden instromen in de laatste cao-periode ...

Datum: | Bron: Out of Home Shops
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