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De Misset Catering Awards zijn donderdagavond 13 november weer uitgereikt. Achttien genomineerde cateraars streden om zes prijzen. Dennis Rens en Ernst Hogenboom van Deli33 zijn samen uitgeroepen tot Beste manager onderwijscatering.
Datum: 14-11-2014 11:28 | Bron: Misset HorecaA Mano's Pasta Artisanal Pastas & Catering is enjoying a healthy serving of food and family this holiday season as the Ford City business welcomes relatives from across the globe. The pasta shop at 717 Sixth Ave. was filled with bilingual chatter ...
Datum: 14-11-2014 11:15 | Bron: Tribune-ReviewThe catering channel is growing across segments as restaurant brands fight tooth and nail for precious market share as well as additional revenue. Even QSRs – such as Taco Bell – are exploring the option. There are some critical elements to keep in ...
Datum: 14-11-2014 00:07 | Bron: Pizza MarketplaceThe RTI reply states 2.70 lakh were spent on catering arrangements for eight days at Sindi Railway where, according to the railways, 1000 workers were deployed round the clock. On the other hand, a whopping sum of 14.38 lakh was spent on catering in ...
Datum: 13-11-2014 23:52 | Bron: Times of IndiaFloor Bazuin van Hutten Hospitality Services is op donderdag 13 november in Maarssen uitgeroepen tot de Beste gastvrijheidsmedewerker in het kader van de Misset Catering Awards. Haar achtergrond is geen gebruikelijke voor een manager werkzaam in ...
Datum: 13-11-2014 22:18 | Bron: Misset HorecaWerkt op een vanzelfsprekende manier met meerdere cateraars in één ziekenhuis. Voor de patiëntenvoeding is dat Sodexo met At Your Request, voor het bezoekersrestaurant is dat Vermaat, voor het restaurant wordt de eigen productiekeuken gebruikt.
Datum: 13-11-2014 21:45 | Bron: Misset HorecaMarion Waterschoot van Markies Catering, onderdeel van Appèl, en Marco van Stappershoef van Van Leeuwen catering op maat, waren de twee andere genomineerden. Over Waterschoot zegt de jury: 'Warme persoonlijkheid, straalt dit ook uit naar collega's ...
Datum: 13-11-2014 21:23 | Bron: Misset HorecaThis facility was formerly known as the Food Services Support Facility, and it now prepares food for Notre Dame's cafés, dining halls and catered events. The CCE houses a new catering kitchen, bake shop and Grab-n-Go program. The relocation of catering ...
Datum: 13-11-2014 08:28 | Bron: Observer OnlineEat Catering and Carry-out is a small restaurant on Ann Arbor's Packard Street, just south of East Stadium Boulevard, occupying a space that was once a BTB Burrito. The restaurant is known for an inventive menu, often built on seasonal and locally ...
Datum: 12-11-2014 19:17 | Bron: MLive.comA nurse has died after he was hit by a catering lorry - outside his hospital. The 55-year-old man, who has not been named, was killed in the tragic incident this morning. Police were called to the accident at the University of Wales Hospital at about 8 ...
Datum: 12-11-2014 18:53 | Bron: Mirror.co.ukEen van mijn favoriete columnisten is Rosanne Hertzberger, een jonge microbioloog die iedere zaterdag in NRC een prikkelende visie geeft op een onderwerp dat haar bezighoudt. Toen ik onlangs haar column las, deed die me sterk denken aan facility ...
Datum: 12-11-2014 12:59 | Bron: FactoJoe the Bartender Ltd. and Connoisseur Catering have joined forces and relocated their businesses to the Travel Lodge at 229 Gorge Rd. East, where they have taken over dining and banquet rooms. The companies offer event packages with food and ...
Datum: 12-11-2014 12:40 | Bron: Times ColonistAnother catering company, Compass, was due £172,000. Ryder Cup Europe LLP, which is responsible for organising the major golf tournament's matches on British soil, was owed more than £80,000. After taking into account the company's assets, creditors ...
Datum: 12-11-2014 09:19 | Bron: shropshirestar.comIt began with, "If you enjoy hosting parties for your friends and family, it could be you have an entrepreneurial spirit and should consider starting your own catering business. There is much to be gained." Reading those words was exciting, and by the ...
Datum: 12-11-2014 01:07 | Bron: Shreveport TimesStewart Wright, the Owner at Papa Cino's, has agreed to support the project by offering free training and a valuable experience which will give students a real insight into the world of catering. The 'Papa Juniors' team will be running the whole ...
Datum: 11-11-2014 08:35 | Bron: Northampton Chronicle & EchoGreenboro Grasshoppers A deal to announce: Professional Sports Catering (PSC) will manage all aspects of the food operations at NewBridge Bank Park, home of the Greensboro Grasshoppers (Low Class A; Sally League), including concessions, catering ...
Datum: 10-11-2014 21:32 | Bron: Ballpark DigestThe RockBridge hotel investment firm put a bow on its largest-ever fund with this month's close of its $438 million Fund VI, exceeding an original $350 million target set in May 2013. Executives of Columbus-based RockBridge tout the firm's latest ...
Datum: 10-11-2014 20:29 | Bron: Columbus Business First (blog)The executive director of Meals On Wheels Sudbury said the revenue from catering is vital to client programming. "Fund raising is becoming more and more difficult in the community," Kelly Zinger said. "We've taken a new look at how we're raising money ...
Datum: 10-11-2014 18:17 | Bron: CBC.caA CATERING company owner dealt with a lack of wedding fairs in Chichester city centre by creating his own. Jonathan Ward, of Jigsaw Catering, said in six years of running his company there had not been one in the city where he could promote his product.
Datum: 10-11-2014 16:07 | Bron: Chichester ObserverWorking in one as an event and catering director is the next best thing. "Where else can you arrange a safari-themed event with a live tiger or schedule fire dancers?" said Dumas, who was recently named "Outstanding Tourism Professional" for 2014 by ...
Datum: 10-11-2014 15:08 | Bron: The ColumbianWith global inflight catering expected to be worth an estimated US$19 billion by 2018 and GCC based carriers accounting for a significant portion of that figure, the opportunities for travel catering related service providers to partner with the region ...
Datum: 09-11-2014 13:19 | Bron: Zawya (registration)RIYADH -- Saudi women can now run catering business under certain conditions. An approval to this effect was given by Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs Prince Dr. Mansour Bin Miteb, the Saudi Press Agency reported on Saturday. All workers in ...
Datum: 09-11-2014 08:23 | Bron: Zawya (registration)“With a refreshing new look and improved recipes, we hope to encourage all Sudburians to use our Home of Our Own Catering for their catering needs this Christmas and throughout the year. Known for its hearty dishes and home-style cooking, Home of Our ...
Datum: 08-11-2014 22:20 | Bron: NorthernLife.caXENIA — Greene Memorial Hospital and Soin Medical Center Executive Chef Jennifer Ball's catering motto is “go big or go home” — that will be much easier to accomplish thanks to a recent grant announced by Greene Medical Foundation. The grant was ...
Datum: 08-11-2014 17:13 | Bron: Xenia GazetteJim Seward, assistant catering manager at the South Infirmary Victoria Hospital; Pauline Hannafin, catering manager; Gerard O'Callaghan, CEO; and Jackie Doody, assistant catering manager, with some of the hospital's 74 catering staff celebrating their ...
Datum: 08-11-2014 11:40 | Bron: Evening Echo Cork